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Mark Jensen




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11 MB 'Bobsy Boys' Best Actor Award! Short Film Phil Moore, Mark Jensen, Peter McAllum
5 MB 'Bobsy Boys' Best Actor Award! Short Film Phil Moore, Mark Jensen, Peter McAllum
6 MB Showreel: Contrasting characters in Award winning films.
5 MB 'Pterodactyl' scene from proposed feature film by Paul Rooks.
1.5 MB TVC Playstation "The Tally" 'Gymnastics' 15 seconds for the 2004 Athens Olympics
1.2 MB TVC Playstation "The Tally" 'Fan Mail' 15 seconds for the 2004 Athens Olympics
4.5 MB 'Sixth Scent' Short Film Petrina Buckley, Mark Jensen. Multi international award winner incl Best Comedy WorldFest, Houston.
5 MB 'For Honour or Money' Short Film Mark Jensen, Blair Cutting, Rachel Terry. Directed by David Chai. This one is just here for fun as Blair and Rachel are my best mates and the two funniest actors I've worked with.